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Rise & Shine Videos


Do you think that the political participation of refugees is important?

Hannah describes how after many conversations with her sister, who has worked closely with migrants and refugees, she has gained insight into the difficulty of integration. As a result she believes that the greater participation of refugees in the political space will help ease this process.

Do you think it is important that migrant women participate in politics?

Erica argues for the importance of migrant women engaging in discussions around politics, due to the new angle that it will bring to the conversation of migrant participation, especially among women who are less represented to improve their situations in the long term. 


In what ways do you think the representation of migrant women in politics would affect society at large?

Georgia argues for the importance of the representation of migrant women, since politics is meant to represent the whole of society! Through such representation, their voices and the issues affect them the most will be heard to a greater extent.

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