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The Team

Waranya Areerom

Research Team Member

Waranya is a lawyer and researcher, specializing in human rights law. With her master’s degrees in European and International Human Rights Law (Leiden University), International Banking and Finance Law (UCL), and International Trade and Commercial Law (Durham University), she has a strong passion for promoting human rights, especially in the areas of business and human rights, migration, and children’s rights. Her past volunteer work with NGOs includes data collection for UNESCO and report review for UNDP. Waranya is based in the Netherlands.

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Anastasiia Hatsenko

Media management

Anastasiia Hatsenko has experience working for non-governmental organizations and a Ukrainian think tank. Her interests include human rights, gender in public policy, Euro-Atlantic cooperation, and information security. She holds a bachelor's and master's degree in international relations (KUBG, Kyiv). She is currently pursuing a second master's degree in international relations at the Central European University.

Anastasiia is based in Austria. 

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Alejandra Payan

Media management

Alejandra is a Mexican student pursuing a bachelor's of Culture, Politics, and Society. She is a passionate human rights advocate with experience in volunteering, NGOs, and impact projects. Her main focus lies in addressing gender inequality and its related issues, driving her to participate in numerous youth conferences centered around these topics.  

Alejandra is based in Austria. 

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Maria Chrysafi

Research Team Member

Maria Chrysafi is a student at Solent University. Participates in non-profit groups on a volunteer basis. She is fluent in 4 languages and has exceptional social skills. She is a feminist, philanthropist, and supporter of peace, justice, and equality. 

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Mary Stratigou

Researcher and Research Project Manager

Proactive and experienced human rights lawyer with key strengths in counseling, team leadership and management. Accomplishments in volunteer coordination and training, particularly in refugee camps. Has successfully managed several human rights cases and provided legal services in the framework of both the administrative sector and volunteer fieldwork. Excellent human rights analyst with long experience in composing and publishing reports and articles. Strong communication, networking and organizational skills under demanding deadlines and multicultural environments. Fluent in six foreign languages such as English, French, Spanish, Catalan, Greek and Turkish.

Mary is based in Spain

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Meha Pumbay

Research Expert: Development Economics

Extensively involved in data collection, analysis and reporting on education, employment and socioeconomic barriers faced by youth for the Voice of Youth Survey, UNICEF; managing social action projects and personally training youth for the Youth Innovation Challenges 2019 in Sindh, Balochistan and KP for UNDP; managing M&E of various activities of UNDP's Youth Empowerment Program and their implementing partners; implemented the mobile voter outreach campaign for the 2019 elections in the Newly Merged Districts of KP; conducting various FGDs and IDIs with women in rural settings of KP for multiple UN projects.

Meha is based in the United Kingdom.

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Audacia Ngunza

Audacia Ngunza is a M.A. International Relations candidate at the Central European University, Austria. She holds a degree in Commercial Law and speaks fluent in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Audacia is a women rights activist and advocate. Currently conducting research with the migrant women.

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Anne Noël

Research Team Member

Anne is an International Studies graduate with a passion for all things research, culture and social justice. During her degree, she focused on gender studies, climate justice and moral panics and gained experience as a student podcast host and academic consultant. Since then she has worked as a museum assistant in Luxembourg, research assistant at Leiden University and research and communications officer at an anti-racist NGO where she investigated the fatal consequences of Fortress Europe.

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Rebecca Fairbeard

Media Management

Rebecca has recently graduated from Queen’s University Belfast with a first-class bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Politics. She wrote her dissertation on the marginalisation of migrant women’s voices by the Swedish media and believes strongly in the importance of giving these women a platform to speak for themselves. Now based in The Netherlands, she’s eager to continue contributing to this impactful work. 

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Hope McNaught

Research Team Member

Hope is an Economics and Politics student from the UK on exchange at Leiden University, with a passion for sustainable development, social outreach and women's empowerment. She has previously volunteered with Student Action for Refugees in Leeds, participating in language improvement and community based classes, and has gained insights into the professional working environment at a market research and a quantity survey firm. 

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